Dr. Apples ®
Step into the Award-winning Fun, Fictional, Fantasy Folklore Variety Show of Dr. Apples! A wizard on the hunt to find his mother! 🍎Listen to the Dr. Apples Variety show in four exciting ways:
📚 'Folklore': Immerse yourself in our main fictional narrative. 📚
📜 'Storytime': Listen to comedic, tales of Dr. Apples' explorations. 📜
👩🏫 'Interview': Explore the intriguing themes embedded within our tale. 👩🏫
🎮 'Game Time': Enjoy zany shenanigans with the intergalactic crew. 🎮
🍎Join us in finding his mother!🍎
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Dr. Apples is a Mixed-Media, Multi-format Storytelling Series. Enjoy!
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Dr. Apples ®
STORYTIME- The Jiggy Gala of Ghostly Ghouls
Join Mr. Steiner, Dr. Apples' charming and cheeky pet alien piggy bank, as he uncovers a ghostly gala. Amidst the spectral shenanigans, he finds a clue to Dr. Apples' mother's whereabouts. This whimsical and hilarious tale blends mystery, magic, and a touch of the absurd.
Mr. Steiner / Elderly Ghost -Jon Mcnally
Dr. Apples - Anthony J. Santora
Stacey, the Mattress Tag - Trina Deuhart
Ghost Spookles - Matt Beckius
Matthew/ Jazz/ Clumsy Ghost/ DJ Boo Beats - Nasim Benelkour
Pickle - Avery A. Brown
Ghost 1 & 3 - Jay Brown
Portal – Lacye A. Brown
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Dr. Apples Podcast: STORYTIME- The Jiggy Gala of Ghostly Ghouls
Step right into the mystical universe of story time with Dr. Apple's. You've just been transported through Dr. Apple's magical time warp, a universe where every tale spins A web of enchantment ready for a journey into the heart of magic. Today's story promises to be as entrancing as Dr. Apple's collection of dancing shadows. Strap in for an adventure that'll twist your perception of reality. We now join Dr. Apples.
Hey, who are you?
Oh. Hi there, esteemed eavesdropper! Were you expecting the grand sorcerer of interdimensional travel, Dr. Apples? Well, not today. I'm afraid it’s just me. Mr. Steiner, his right-hand pet piggy bank across countless universes.
And yes, I'm the most adorable pink kawaii financially responsible bank you could imagine.
Umm, think of…. a genius piggy bank with the charm of a cheeky toddler, and voilà –you've got me! My special talent? I can perform a rather impressive jiggle with the coins in my belly, quite a spectacle!
*Mr. Steiner FLIPS pages from a book. Dr. Apples SNORES.*
Mr. Steiner
As you can hear, Dr. Apples, poor chap, mistook a sleeping pill for a laxative. Now he's bloated and sound asleep like a baby dragon on my sofa.
Mr. Steiner GIGGLES.
Mr. Steiner
So, what am I currently up to, you're probably not wondering? Well, I’m documenting — You see, I've discovered a clue all by myself – something sparkly and quite significant. It's a sterling silver heart-shaped locket, unearthed in a far-off universe And it's quite the juicy tidbit, related to the ongoing saga of Dr. Apples' mother who was whisked away by fairies and us dedicating the majority of our energy to finding her. I went there while Dr. Apples was exfoliating his toenails. Now lean in as I unveil, the tale….
One fine day. As Dr. Apple's bused himself with those meticulous hygienic rituals, earth things are so fond of, I, Mr. Steiner embarked upon an endeavor you folks charmingly refer to as spring cleaning , while I briskly swept my hallway on my two hind legs, A natural way of moving for a piggy bank of my sophistication, , while sweeping. I created a whirlwind of dust, which lifted a mysterious piece of paper into a graceful dance in the air. It was a mattress tag with a warning, intact warning, keep attached or get arrested.
Stacy- Mattress Tag
Beep beep. Like, seriously, put me back. Or like, prepare for jail your call.
Mr. Steiner
Something of that nature. I, I forget . Somehow I'd managed to tear it off a previous mattress without getting nabbed by the law. And now that tag was more than just a piece of fabric. It held coordinates and a blinking red dot, pinpointing the mattress's very location.
Stacy the Mattress Tag
Beep beep beep beep.
Mr. Steiner
Not keen On dwelling on my near miss with the law. I hopped into my teleport.
The Portal
Alright Steiner, get it.
Mr. Steiner
Embraced myself for adventure. The portal plopped me onto the ground that was a deep black omber. It was dark, but I could still see far enough ahead. My portal promised me that it would return in 30 minutes.
The Portal
Alright, Steiner seeing 30,
Mr. Steiner
So I had to hurry. Initially, everything around me was an abyss.
Stacy the Mattress Tag
Beep, beep beep.
Mr. Steiner
A void so profound that even shadows seemed reluctant to exist as I walked, the environment transformed. The mattress tag on my hoof beeped strongly towards a particular direction.
Stacy the Mattress Tag
No time. Beep beep, beep beep.
Mr. Steiner
Gradually like a canvas being painted by an unseen hand, outlines of buildings, trees, and distant figures emerged from the darkness. With each step forward, the outlines began to fill the space around me. At first, they were translucent, like ghostly sketches, but as I moved closer, they gradually solidified, morphing into houses and stalls. These structures, once mere outlines turned into solid buildings, albeit still glowing with a spectral light
Stacy the Mattress Tag
Mr. Steiner
It was as if the town itself was waking up from a deep slumber. The buildings stretching and yawning into existence. There I was waddling like a determined little trooper, ripped down the towns central path.
Stacy the Mattress Tag
Mr. Steiner
This path somewhat reminiscent of a yellow brick road, albeit a ghostly version wound its way through the heart of quaint cottage town. The buildings with their flickering windows looked like they were torn. Right out of an old world charm magazine beep. With each step, the path beckoned me deeper into the village's heart, revealing more of its ghostly, yet discernible structures. As I walked, the moon was like a spotlight and casted an ethereal glow on the scene. The cobblestones under my trotters came alive with whispers of ancient tales, and my ceramic pink body reflected the moonlight.
Stacy the Mattress Tag
Beep, um, excuse me, hurry up. Beep beep.
Mr. Steiner
The mattress tag in my grasp beeped louder. It's red light pulsating like the heart of an excited hamster
Stacy the Mattress Tag
Mr. Steiner
I felt like a detective in a mystery novel, except I was more pink and ceramic and less trench coat and fedora
Stacy the Mattress Tag
Beep, beep beep.
Mr. Steiner
Curious ghostly figures around the town pausing their ceaseless chatter turned to observe me. While they bore a resemblance to humans, their faces remained blurry and indistinct. Like viewing the world without glasses, each specter glowed with a soft light. Their forms slightly wavering and transparent. I heard a ghost exclaim.
Ghost 1:
What kind of otherworldly oddity is that?
Mr. Steiner
A flamboyant ghost decked out in a gowned hollered
Ghost 2:
Yassss porcelain elaganza!
Stacy the Mattress Tag
Beeps are just passing through like nobody
Mr. Steiner
Floated over to me. With the grace of a duchess, another ghost reached out, attempting to touch my glossy surface, but a hand just rushed right through.
Ghost 3:
Ooh, A solid one.
Stacy the Mattress Tag
Excuse me. Beep, beep.
Mr. Steiner
Beep. Her companions joined in the laughter. One particularly cheeky spirit exuded the charm of a past life. Loser tried to swipe the beeping mattress tag from me.
Stacy the Mattress Tag
Oh, excuse us. Just passing through Beep beep.
Mr. Steiner
His hand, however phased right through it.
Stacy the Mattress Tag
Beep beep.
Spookles the Ghost
*evil laugh* Easy pickings. We'll grab that piggy bank and ransom 'em for a fortune in ghostly gold. This vortex should do the trick.
Matthew the Ghost
I don't know about this spooks. What if he, I don't know, start screaming or worse, he tries to talk about his feelings. Emotional baggage is heavy.
Spookles the Ghost
Yeah. What kind of ghost are you? M-math-maa-tthew.
Matthew the Ghost
My name is Matthew.
Mr. Steiner
As the beeping from my trusty mattress tag grew louder.
Stacy the Mattress Tag
Beep! I can't even it, like start moving.
Mr. Steiner
I couldn't help but notice a peculiar trend. The ghosts who were previously engrossed in their town activities were drifting past me, all going in the same direction I was headed. Hmm. Either I'm onto something big or I'm walking right into a ghostly gang attack.
Stacy the Mattress Tag
Matthew the Ghos
Spookles wait!
Spookles the Ghost
Alright. Let's do this. Meth-ma-Phew. What the Why is this vortex machine stuck? Oh, I forgot to turn the safety off.
Matthew the Ghost
I warned you treat my advice like it's background noise at a seance.
Mr. Steiner
When I glanced back the path I had, so boldly trodden seemed to dissolve into the darkness. Once more cheeky little town, this mattress tag isn't going to attach itself.
Stacy the Mattress Tag
Do you like mine? We're on a schedule here.
Mr. Steiner
Matthew the Ghost
Maybe we should rethink this
Spookles the Ghost
Nonsense. I'll trap him with a shadow snare. This time, all I need is the perfect moment. All right. On one seven. Uh two. Wait.
Matthew the Ghost
I told you you can't count. Great. He walked away. Let me handle the numbers. Next time.
Mr. Steiner
Walking down the path, my ceramic heart raced with anticipation. Beep. As the path led me to a vast tar blackness that stretched out like a blank canvas waiting to be filled.
Stacy the Mattress Tag
Mr. Steiner
I paused, my porcelain hooves tingling with a mix of excitement and slight trepidation.
I squinted into the darkness, and slowly, as if responding to my gaze, the outlines of a grand massive manor began to emerge.
At first, the lines were faint, almost hesitant. But with each line passing, the lines grew bolder, clearer, weaving a complex pattern in the night air.
The outlines of the manor then began to transform, shifting from ethereal sketches to a translucent form. It was as though the building was gradually pulling itself from a dream into reality.
The walls, windows, and even the grand front door of the manor shimmered with a ghostly light, as if made of moonbeams and stardust.
The sight was mesmerizing – a grand, cream-colored structure slowly materializing from the void, its every detail becoming more pronounced.
Matthew the Ghost
This is so primitive
Spookles the Ghost
Quiet! This time. I'll just wait right here and jump out. No traps, no machines, just pure ghostly.....Raw!
Mr. Steiner
As the manner solidified ghosts glided past me, sun even having the nerve to float right through me.
Spookles the Ghost
Oh, Come on! He just walked right past me!
Matthew the Ghost
Called it.
Mr. Steiner
It's rather disconcerting. It tickles in the most peculiar way. The mattress beeped with increasing urgency.
Stacy the Mattress Tag
Um, like, out of the way—this is, like, urgent! Beep.
Stacy the Mattress Tag
Mr. Steiner
It's red light pulsing like a miniature lighthouse in a sea of darkness. Beep. I walked to the front of the house.
Stacy the Mattress Tag
Boing Bong Beep!
Spookles the Ghost
Doesn't matter. Let him go. Once he leaves, there will be nothing to save him from me setting up a black hole and capturing him and his coins.
Matthew the Ghost
How long will we wait here, Spookles?
Spookles the Ghost
Forever if we gotta Ma-Ma--phewerrrr
Matthew the Ghos
How hard is it to say Matthew?
Spookles the Ghost
It’s the two T's!
*Spookles & Matthew Ghostly evil laughs decrescendo*
Mr. Steiner
I mustered all the courage a piggy bank could possibly have, which let's be honest, is it a lot. I approached the Manor's Grand staircase. Each step felt like a monumental effort reaching the top. I was met with a door so grand. It looked like it owned a hedge fund. It towered over me. It's intricate details now fully visible in the ghostly light. It was a daunting barrier between me and the unknown.
With a trembling hoof I reached for the doorknob. It's called metal surface center. Shiver threw me. I turned the knob, and with a creek that seemed to echo through time, I pushed the door open.
*Banshee loud wails*
Mr. Steiner
Stepping into a world of a ghostly, banshee screamed right at me. I stood there as her mouth opened in an unnatural, cavernous yawn. It was ghastly display. Her tonsil, dangled precariously as if mocking the laws of gravity. The wind from her breath, which carried as scent, oddly reminiscent of mothballs and forgotten attics.
I stood there, my ceramic hooves glued to the floor. After she was done, she smiled and disappeared.
Well, of course, in the midst of all this I may have sharted a nickel or two.
Mr. Steiner
But let's keep that between us. Dr. Apples doesn't need to know every detail of my escapades. In the midst of this sonic onslaught, an old ghost doning, a suit so ancient, it would've been the talk of every speakeasy.
Speak Easy Ghost:
Man, she is got eyes for you buddy. Classic flirting. She,
Mr. Steiner
If that was flirting, then I'm a Teapot! At that moment, I remembered why I prefer the quiet company of coins.
Stacy the Mattress Tag
Move it, spooky! We’re, like, in a rush here! Beep .
Mr. Steiner
I shuffled forward. My pennies slightly rattled but intact.
Stacy the Mattress Tag
Beep beep.
Mr. Steiner
Stepping into the manor's ballroom was like entering a gothic fairytale . A scene so oddly grand and moist with ghostly flare. Hmm. Did I use that word right?
Stacy the Mattress Tag
Beep. Beep.
Mr. Steiner
Grand chandeliers dangled from the ceiling, like ghostly jellyfish, casting eerie shadows that did a spooky dance across the room. The air was chilly like a refrigerator left open.
Stacy the Mattress Tag
Beep beep.
Mr. Steiner
Venturing. Further in the room, the air was thick with a scent that could only be described as ode. A ghost, a blend of an old attic, musty old books, hints of lavender and a curious whiff of sponge cake?
Stacy the Mattress Tag
Beep beep.
Mr. Steiner
Nevertheless, this was where all the ghosts corralled to dance.
DJ BOO Beats
Ha ha
Just kidding.
It's your ghost with the most, DJ Boo Beats, spinning the classics that even the dead can't resist.
Remember, you can’t spell funeral without fun!
Stacy the Mattress Tag
Beep beep.
Mr. Steiner
Ah, the ballroom. What a spectacle it was. Picture every era's dance trend thrown into a blender set to chaos.
Really Dead Ghost:
This Tune's flatter than I was the day I died.
Stacy the Mattress Tag
Beep beep.
Mr. Steiner
The ghostly DJ was at the helm, spinning a mix with a new song from a different era. Every two minutes,
Stacy the Mattress Tag
Beep beep.
Mr. Steiner
The ghosts a lively bunch, we're doing their best to keep up with the rapid tempo changes.
Elderly Ghost:
In my day. The waltz was wild enough.
Flapper Ghost:
Honey, I've spun through more dips than Wall Street on a bad day.
Clumsy Ghost:
Who put that there? Wait. It's been here for a century.
Stacy the Mattress Tag
Beep. Be seriously. Come on, ghost
Mr. Steiner
Beep beep. There were Victorian ghosts gracefully twirling in their gowns. Then suddenly a ghost doing the hammer dance. Their ethereal pants billowing like sails in a storm.
Stacy the Mattress Tag
Your lips totally in the way.
Mr. Steiner
Beep beep. Ghosts in bell bottoms gyrated with disco fever next to ghouls who are nailing the classic boy band. Passionate lip sync and nod.
Stacy the Mattress Tag
Beep beep.
Mr. Steiner
And then there was the nay, nay crowd, A group of more contemporary specters swaying and flapping about as if they were trying to shoe away invisible pigeons.
Stacy the Mattress Tag
You've gotta be kidding me. Beep beep.
Mr. Steiner
Everything was like watching a dance off between history's most enthusiastic yet rhythmically challenged clear partygoers.
Stacy the Mattress Tag
Siren Ghost:
I'm like a Freudian slip. Unexpected, but inevitably delightful.
Stacy the Mattress Tag
Beep beep.
Mr. Steiner
Really? You had to be there. It was trash. Just then the mattress tag began beeping as if a gambler were shaking me for last minute lotto ticket money.
Stacy the Mattress Tag23:09
Oh, my, God, can you guys not! Move it or lose it, ghost! Boing Boing beep!
Mr. Steiner
The beep, I zeroed in on the corner of the room.
Stacy the Mattress Tag
Boing Boing Beep!
Mr. Steiner
There, seemingly the source of the signal, stood two ghosts, right in the path to my long-lost mattress.
Stacy the Mattress Tag
Boing Bong Beep.
Mr. Steiner
I had whimsically dubbed them pickle and pudding. There they were. The two gloomiest ghosts on the dance floor. I named the first one pickle because despite his melancholy, he still had a zest about him and the other pudding, because she seemed to wobble softly with sorrow and a lack of coordination. Pickle and pudding. A bittersweet duo in the ghoul dance moping in a small circle of their own creation. They were looking down at an object I couldn't decipher.
Stacy the Mattress Tag
Ew. Ugh. This is like so annoying. I'm trying to get to the mattress. Duh. Beep, beep beep.
Mr. Steiner
I took a deep sigh and waddled over to them. My hooves clicked on the dance floor as I approached. I had a good walking stride, though slightly intimidated by the dance moves around me. When I reached pickle and pudding, my hoof grazed the dance floor, causing me to kick the small object on the floor that was in between them. Under the solid item rose, a semi-transparent letter pickle with a flicker of excitement in his ethereal eyes. Snatched it up.
Pickle the Ghost:
Elza. Look. Our confirmation number, we can contact customer service to request a refund. Let's go.
Stacy the Mattress Tag
Beep, beep beep.
Mr. Steiner
With a swirl of their spectral tails, they vanished, leaving the intriguing shiny trinket lingering nearby. And there right on the dance floor. Lay a beautiful silver locket shimmering in the ghostly luminescence. I extended my hoof and gently scooped up the locket with a delicate touch. I pried it open to my surprise. Reveal a photograph of Dr. Apples' beloved mother.
Mr. Steiner
Oh, how I miss her. I’m saddened she was kidnapped by fairies. It always felt like heaven having her around.
Beautiful brown eyes and her smile as warm as a summer day, her hair styled in a relaxed ponytail.
Ahh…I remember that time. It was when Dr. Apples was a teen and joined a band where he wore only silver chinos.
-he had a phase.
On the other side of the image were minuscule, cryptic scribbles That could possibly be a breadcrumb trail leading to her whereabouts. Well forget the mattress!
Stacy the Mattress Tag
Mr. Steiner
There were more pressing matters at hand, like embarking on a virtual odyssey of Wiki searches and asking the almighty Jeeves! I dropped the mattress tag and called for my portal to pick me up.
The Portal
Alright Steiner, get in.
Stacy the Mattress Tag
Ugh. Betrayal detected mission board.
Mr. Steiner
A tiny beacon of Pope in the ongoing saga to find Dr. Apples' mother. It was a clue that I vowed all by myself. *Oink* excuse me! Come to think of it. I don't remember ripping a mattress tag off. I wonder how it got into my home!
Mr. Steiner
Annnd, the…… end. What a magnificent story.
Dr. Apples
Wha-What’s going on?
Mr. Steiner
And so, before I get in trouble, I bid adieu. I will also leave you with this wise nugget:
Sometimes the greatest adventures happen, while others are, a-nappin’.
Dr. Apples
Mr. Steiner, did you drug me?
Dr. Apples
Mr. Steiner, did you drug me?
Mr. Steiner
Until next time.
Dr. Apples
Are you talking to humans?
Mr. Steiner
Don't tell him I spoke to you and pay your piggy banks fair wages.
Dr. Apples
Mr. Steiner
This is Mr. Steiner and I'm about to get caught.
Dr. Apples
Mr. Steiner.
Mr. Steiner
Oh, hey. I'm not doing anything at all. No, no, no.
[Mr. Steiner theme song plays]
Boy Band
He’s smarter than you; but it’s okay because he’s cute…mmmmhmmm.
And just like that, we spiral back from the enchanting rounds of Dr. Apples. Our journey through his magical time warp concludes for now. But the wonder doesn't have to end here.
Don't forget to like, subscribe, leave a review and stuff. Until our next whimsical adventure. Keep your imaginations wild. Dr. Apples will be waiting with more spellbinding stories.
And keep an eye on your shadow. Sometimes they develop a mind of their own, especially after a Dr. Apple story.